Jobseeker FAQs |
Resume |
1. |
How do I post my resume?
Click on Post Your Resume button on the home page to take you to its page. Fill in the details; it should take you only a few minutes for the entire form. An account will be created with the user name and password you have provided, using which you can login.
2. |
How many resumes can I store in my account?
You can save up to 5 resumes in your account to suit different job requirements. Please set your main resume as active. This active resume will showcase on the employer search results. Whereas your other 4 would be stored for you choose them while you are applying for similar or other jobs of your liking.
3. |
How do I edit my resume?
Just follow the simple steps.
- Log into your account in ClickJobs by using your username and password.
- Click on My Resume Manager
- Click on My Resumes (from the horizontal menu)
- Click on the Edit icon next to the preferred resume from the list
4. |
What do you mean my refresh resume?
Most recently Updated resumes appear on top in employer search results to indicate the most proactive candidates. Refreshing your resume makes it appear as an Updated resume. Click on the Refresh icon on the My Home page or the My Resume Manager page.
5. |
How do I email/forward my resume to someone?
This is a convenient option in the case you do not have your resume online and want to send it to someone via email.
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
- Click on My Resume Manager
- Click on My Resumes (from the horizontal menu)
- Click on the Forward icon next to the preferred resume from the list
6. |
What are the statistics shown on my resume profile?
Your profile displays two basic forms of statistics:
Appearance on Search Results - Displays the number of times your resume has appeared on the Search Results of Employers. This relates to relevance of your resume to the job.
- Viewed by Recruiters - Displays the number of times your resume has viewed by the Employers. This relates to the title of your Resume and your Resume itself. If you aren't satisfied with the number of Views, you might need to revamp your resume. Resume Assessment helps to that that little eye-catching expert's touch.
7. |
Does it cost to post my resume?
Posting your resume is absolutely free!
8. |
How do I create a cover letter and how many can I save?
You can create up to 5 different cover letters to suit different needs. To create a cover letter, please follow the simple steps.
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
- Click on My Resume Manager
- Click on My Cover Letter (from the horizontal menu)
- Enter the title for the Cover Letter, and the Message below. You could also use a Standard format, by clicking on the link (which you will need to edit)
- If it would be your default cover letter, select so.
- Click on Save.
Please note: You cover letter has a maximum word count of 4000 words.
Account Information
1. |
I have forgotten my password?
Please follow this simple process to retrieve your password.
- Click on the Forgot Password link on your login tab.
- Please provide the email id you provided during registration.
- In a few minutes you will receive a mail to the provided Email-id with your user id and password.
2. |
How do I change my password?
Please follow these simple steps:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
- Click on My Settings
- Click on Change Password (from the horizontal menu)
- Enter the old password, the new one, confirm it and click on Save
3. |
How do I update my email address?
Please follow these simple steps:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
- Click on My Resume Manager
- Click on Edit next to Personal Details (on My Active Resume)
- Change the email id and click on Save
4. |
What if I make a change or update my address?
Please follow these simple steps:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
- Click on My Resume Manager
- Click on Edit next to Contact Details (on My Active Resume)
- Change the address and click on Save
5. |
What do you mean by Confidential Request?
You could hide your personal details (name and contact information) from being viewed by employers. When an employer finds your resume interesting and would like to contact you. They could request to view the hidden information, following which you will receive an email notification. You could accept or decline the request based on your interest. You can access a systematic list of the requests by just following this simple procedure:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
- Click on My Applications
- Click on Confidential Request (from the horizontal menu)
- View a systematic list of Requests made and your relative response
Applying Online |
1. |
How do I submit my resume to the employers?
You could apply directly from any Job Ad or from the search result you see. After which you can choose and appropriate Resume and Cover Letter you would like to send.
How will the employers contact me?
In a normal condition the Employer would contact you through the Email or Phone number you have provided in your Resume.
If you have applied for the Job, wherein all confidentiality settings are overridden, having the employer to contact you via Email or the Phone Number you have provided.
If the Employer has viewed your resume and is interested, he would have request for your confidential details (if you have set it) before contacting you (which would come through ClickJobs).
3. |
How do I keep track of all the jobs that I apply?
All your Jobs you have applied for are stored in the My Applications page, where you can view the entire list. You can access the list by following the simple procedure:
Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
i. Click on My Applications
ii. Click on Confidential Request (from the horizontal menu)
iii. View a systematic list of Requests made and your relative response
4. |
How will I know if a Recruiter has viewed my resume?
Unfortunately, the system restrains to expose the recruiters who have viewed your resume.
5. |
What do you mean by an Application Queue?
In certain cases where your Resume is in Pending Validation status (during the first time of registration or after editing), you could still apply for Jobs. But the application would not be send until the Validation is over (if there is an immediate requirement, you could call-in our support for instant validation). These applications would be queued temporarily in the Application Queue page.
6. |
Can I submit my resume even if I have not posted my resume on ClickJobs?
Yes, you can apply as a non-member to a job that interests you. After providing a few details and uploading your resume you can instantly send your application to the Employer directly. But it is highly recommended to have your resume posted on the website before applying. This way you would have yourself open to more opportunities. If there are other reasons as to why you may not want add your resume/details on the website, maybe the Confidentiality feature would be encouraging.
Job Search |
1. |
How do I search for Jobs?
You could use one of the several options to search. The quickest and widest search would be to enter a keyword of the job you are searching for. There are other search options that would give you more refined and closer results. You could access the following options from Find Jobs on the main menu.
- Quick Search - Search using a short simple set of basic search criteria
- Smart Search - Search using critical search criteria for firmer results
- Power Search - Search using all possible search criteria for the most accurate results
- Walk-in Interview - Search for Job opportunities that are currently conducting Walk-in Interviews
- Browse by Industry - Search for all the Jobs in a particular Industry
- Browse by Functional Area - Search for Jobs in a specific Functional Area
Browse by Job Role - Search for all the Jobs in a specific Job Role
- Browse by State/City - Search for all the Jobs in a State or City of your choice
2. |
What if my search does not give me results?
If your search results did not yield you could consider choosing wider options, which allows more results.
3. |
How do I find the company name for a Job Ad when it is not provided?
Certain Companies may not choose to reveal their names on their Job Ads. But when you apply for such a Job and when the company finds the vacancy matching your profile would contact you, revealing their identity.
4. |
How can I save my search criteria?
You may require to re-do a particular search later. In which case you could conveniently save your Search as a Saved Search. You can save up to 10 Searches. To save a search, please follow the simple procedure:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password
- Go to any Search tool you prefer and enter your criteria
- On the bottom-most you will find "Save Search as", type in the name of the search, choose if you want to select it as a Job Prompt. And continue with your search.
- The Saved Search will appear on you're my Job Search Page.
5. |
Can I save a job and apply for it later?
Yes, you can save the job(s), in the Saved Job page for retrieval or applying later. You can store a list of all the Jobs that catches your attention for applying later. You can view the list from the Saved Jobs in My Applications. To Save a job:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password
- On all Jobs, which display on the Search Results you will find a select icon. Select the jobs you want.
- Click on Save and Continue.
6. |
Is it possible to edit my search criteria that I have saved?
Yes, you can. Just follow the simple procedure:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password
- On all Saved Search, which display on My Saved Search in My Job Search you will find an edit icon.
- Click on Edit next to the Saved Search you want.
7. |
What are Quick Search, Smart Search and Power Search? Why should I use them?
They are three different tools each offering a certain amount of convenience and efficiency in searching for a Job.
- Quick Search - Is the fastest and simplest tool used to find your job, based mainly on Keywords, Functional area and Location
Smart Search - Is a smart tool with the convenience of simplicity but more explicit on your search criteria such as Job Role, Career Level and Experience.
- Power Search - Is the most accurate tool and is most elaborate. Find the exact job you are looking for based on Salary, Employer and Employer Types also.
8. |
What do you mean by most applied job?
You will be let known about the jobs that are most applied by other candidates.
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What do you mean by most viewed job?
Jobs that are most viewed by other candidates.
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What do you mean by latest jobs posted?
Lets you know of the Latest Job Ads Posted.
11. |
What do you mean by a featured job in the search result?
Certain Employers mark their Job Posting as featured. The most looked-out-for jobs are featured to help draw your attention towards it.
Confidentiality |
1. |
I do not wish to showcase my details to the Employer? How do I do that?
There are 4 different levels of Confidentiality Settings available just to cater to this need.
- Shield Free - No Confidentiality is set; all Employers can view your name, contact details and your resume.
- Contact Shield - A partial shield that allows all Employers to view your resume but prevents them from viewing your contact details (if you have opted to hide).
- Company Shield - This is a specific shield that allows all Employers to view your resume with name and contact details (if you have not opted to hide) except for the Employers you Block.
- Total Shield - A complete shield that does not allow any Employer to view your resume. But allows you to apply for jobs.
View or Change your Confidentiality settings by:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
- Click on My Settings
- Select your Confidentiality setting or on the icon (on My Confidentiality Settings) and Click on Save and Continue.
- Set the fields you want to Hide and click on Save.
2. |
Who can see my resume?
You can choose who can see your resume.
If you are not interested in having your resume be viewed by a certain Employer, you can Block the Employer. To Block an Employer:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
- Click on My Settings
- Select Company Shield or on the icon (on My Confidentiality Settings) and Click on Save and Continue.
- Select the companies you want to Block and click on Save.
3. |
I don't want my current employer to see my resume? How can I do that?
If your Employer is registered to ClickJobs, you can Block them. To Block your Employer:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
- Click on My Settings
- Select Company Shield or on the icon (on My Confidentiality Settings) and Click on Save and Continue
- Select the companies you want to Block and click on Save.
If your Employer is NOT registered to ClickJobs, you can just hide your Name and Contact Details. Just follow the simple steps to do so:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
- Click on My Settings
- Select your Confidentiality setting or on the icon (on My Confidentiality Settings) and Click on Save and Continue.
- Set the fields you want to Hide and click on Save.
Job Alerts |
1. |
What is a Job Prompt?
Job Prompt is a convenience-inducing feature, where you could receive fresh opportunities right into your inbox. You could set up to 5 different Job Prompt Criteria based on the sort of jobs you are looking for. To access Job Prompt:
- Log into ClickJobs using your username and password.
- Click on My Job Prompt
- Click on New Job Prompt (from the horizontal menu) to create a new Job Prompt
- Set your criteria and click on save to receive emails listing Jobs based on your criteria.
- Or you could set your Saved Search as a Job Prompt.
Please note: By default the first time you create a resume, a Job Prompt automatically based on your resume would be set for you.
2. |
Can I receive job alerts through Email?
Setting Job Prompts will send you Jobs based on your specified interests to your Email id. By default the first time you create a resume, a Job Prompt automatically based on your resume would be set for you.
3. |
How many JobPrompts can I create?
You can create up to 5 different Job Prompts.